Who or What is Ethnos360?

This is Randy’s intro. 
Ethnos360’s website is ethnos360.org

Ethnos360 teams plant and establish thriving indigenous local churches among ethnolinguistic people groups who have no access to the Gospel.  The teams of Ethnos360 consist of people who have been sent by their home churches and donors to accomplish this work.  

Church Planting Teams: This requires living among these people groups to develop relationships that lead to a high level of fluency in the local language, deciphering the culture (the meaning behind the words), establishing an alphabet, teaching literacy, translating the Bible, teaching the Bible in the heart language, discipling believers, and recognizing Biblically qualified leaders from within the local churches. 

Support Teams: Accomplishing the urgent work of church planting in the least amount of time requires a team of skilled people who are not teaching to assist the work.  Digerati, plumbers, electricians, pilots, mechanics, innkeepers, culinarians, supply buyers, shipping clerks, school teachers, builders, computer technicians, administrators, accountants, educators, printers, and people of many other skills greatly contribute to reduce by decades the amount of time it takes to establish thriving churches. 

Sending Church Teams: Each member of Ethnos360 is sent, supported, and sustained by their sending churches of people who pray, give financial gifts, send support teams, and equip co-workers to join the missionary team. The sending churches of each missionary’s home country are vitally connected to the completion of the work of Ethnos360.

Ethnos360 Magazine: What Makes Us Who We Are

Ethnos360 purpose statement:

“Motivated by the love of Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Ethnos360 exists to assist the ministry of the local church through the mobilizing, equipping and coordinating of believers to evangelize unreached people groups, translate the Scriptures and see indigenous churches established that glorify God.”

Ethnos360 People:

Ethnos360 comprises people who have been sent from local churches like yours – to establish thriving churches among ethnolinguistic people groups where there is no Gospel witness.  Founded in 1942 as New Tribes Mission, Ethnos360 has stayed the course to work where no witness of the Gospel has yet reached. 

Through Ethnos360, people from churches in more than 36 countries have engaged more than four hundred language groups in deep and enduring work. After 80 years, in cooperation with their sending churches, Ethnos360 missionaries have translated the New Testament into 96 languages and have more than 120 in progress. Yet, that is such a small portion compared to the work to be done.

Ethnos360 Core Values: 

• The Word of God as our final authority
• A Spirit-controlled life
• Dependence on God
• The role and responsibility of the local church in the Great Commission
• Readiness to sacrifice for Christ and His church
• Godly relationships and interdependence in ministry
• The potential of all believers to be used by God in the Great Commission
• Excellence and urgency in all we do to finish the task

What we believe:

See the Ethnos360 Doctrinal Statement at ethnos360.org/about/what-we-believe/

What makes Ethnos360 who we are? (Magazine article)

Why Choose Ethnos360

Learn More: 

(The only step you can take by faith is the next one.)-

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