Church Leaders

It’s all about God’s glory being proclaimed among every ethnic group and teaching people to observe/obey all that Christ commanded.

Thank you for all that you do to lead people to know Christ, to equip them for ministry and to send them to the ends of the earth!

You are the one who knows what your local church needs in regard to global outreach. We may be able to assist you with implementing what God is leading you to do together. 

Here are some examples of what other churches have done. (Montoursville)(El Cajon)(Magnolia)

What I hope to accomplish with this page is introduce some of the ways that leaders of other churches and the missionaries they have sent have interacted under the community of Ethnos360 to accomplish some Biblical objectives at home and abroad. 

Have you considered laying down your life in some remote part of the world to share the greatest message with people who have no other opportunity to hear the Good News about Jesus? 

If so, you may have considered some of the personal costs involved. Maybe the Lord is still moving you toward outreach in faraway places. It appears that nearly all of the apostles were promoted to heaven while serving in places far from home to lead people to Christ. 

Wherever we serve, our ministry involves bringing people to know and engage with God concerning His person, purpose, plan, people, and processes. We bring people to understand our need for perfect righteousness, God’s provision in Christ alone, God’s purpose for our lives, and our opportunities to worship Him in the ways we act by faith in His written word. We engage in equipping the saints for the work of the ministry through the teaching of God’s written word.

Ethnos360 Representatives are here to assist with what God is moving you to do regarding the least-reached ethnolinguistic people groups. 

Are you laying foundations, equipping servants, casting vision, informing prayer warriors, preparing senders, or sending missionaries?  We can help with some of that. 


Vision Casting – What is missions? Where are we going?
Foundational Bible Teaching Resources – Preparing people at home.
Presenting world needs and opportunities.
Networking – How can we join what God is doing?
Student Bible Training – Preparing laborers.
Youth Group Exposure at Wayumi.
Assisting missions committees with strategic planning and implementation.
Career Missionary Training
Sending your people to ends of the earth.

One of the best ways to learn about teamwork with Ethnos360 is to attend a Wayumi Church Leaders Retreat.  
You are hereby invited. (See dates & registration here.)

The greatest need on the mission field is people qualified to minister.

Your role is vital in Bible teaching, vision casting, 
discipleship, equipping, and sending missionaries
to reach people who have no access to the Gospel.

Missionaries come from local churches
who intentionally prepare, send, and support people
to accomplish the Biblical objectives. 

How may we serve you?

Church leaders seem to be inundated with “missions” requests from nearly every direction. It takes time just to sort out who is asking what and compare that with God’s leading for your local church part of the Body.

As you respond to God’s direction for your local church regarding the least-reached people groups, I hope this page will give you a glimpse into Ethnos360’s role in coming alongside of you.

Do you have the heart to bring people in faraway places to know God? Perhaps the people you work with are not yet ready to engage with ministry overseas. Effective missions work might seem very far off.  

  • May we help you with laying Bible foundations and imparting vision for the reaching the unreached and unengaged people groups? 

Sometimes people are so eager to get involved that they try to get ahead of the leadership in the local church.

  • May we assist with painting the picture of being rooted in Christ, being established in the local church, being equipped to accomplish God’s objective, and being sent as part of the Body? (Teens –> Missions? Now what?

A significant obstacle to completing the Great Commission today is confusion concerning the mission. Much of what people call “missions” is actually “ministry” rather than the effort to complete the work that Jesus commanded His disciples to engage in doing: Go everywhere, preach, baptize, and teach everything.  One or more of these things may be missing in what is commonly called “missions”. While ministry and mission are both part of God’s will for the Church, it is possible to accomplish ministry without completing His mission of teaching everything, making disciples of people at the ends of the earth. (State of the World by GFM) (Mission: What is it?)

The objective may not be as much about accomplishing a logistical goal as it is about bringing people in every place into an enduring relationship with the living God through faith in His word. If that is the objective; to establish thriving groups of Christ-followers, rooted in Christ, living holy lives, led by local leaders, and reaching out into the world, then our efforts in the local church might reflect that. Evangelism is a starting point for spiritual growth but, in missions, it often takes a lot of effort to get to where people can understand who Jesus is, what He did, and why. The good works of ministry are a testimony and a vehicle for earning the right to be heard, but not the Biblical objective. 

On the mission field, the greatest need is not money. Money can be used to transfer work, align heart treasures, and enable people to engage on both ends of gifts, but there are some things that money just cannot buy. One of those is people who are qualified to do the work of teaching “all things whatsoever I have commanded you” and ordaining qualified church leaders to carry on the work. Those people can only come from churches where they have been equipped, empowered, and sent to do the work of establishing thriving churches. In remote places where there is no logistical infrastructure for ministry, those people who can provide that infrastructure are greatly needed, too. They turn on the lights, build the buildings, provide transportation, manage the bills, and educate the children so that the main thing can be the main thing: teaching people to observe all that Christ commanded. 

The State of the World

One thing all of us Christians have in common is that someone told us about Jesus. 

There was a time in each of our lives when we did not know about Jesus. We were able to believe God’s word because someone made the effort to make the message of eternal life through faith in Jesus accessible to us. 

About one third of the people in the world have never had anyone do this for them. They have no access to the Good News in a language they understand. 

From the position of the highest power or authority in heaven and on earth (Mt. 28:18), Jesus to His disciples to go to every ethnic group (Mt. 28:19), every creature in all of the world (Mark 16:15) and teach everything He commanded (Mt. 28:20). As far as we know this has not yet been accomplished. 

Of 7378 known languages in the world, only 717 have a complete Bible. Faith comes by hearing God’s word. (Romans 10:17) Another three 1582 languages have a complete New Testament and 1196 have scripture portions translated into their language. Some of remaining language groups have access through other languages.  The remaining 1892 languages need a missionary Bible translator to have access to God’s written word. 

Here is a short video by GFM based on the Perspectives research entitled, “The State of the World: The task remaining.

A bit about Ethnos360

Who is Ethnos360?

We establish thriving churches among ethnolinguistic people groups who have no access to the Gospel. (By “we” I mean the individuals who have been sent by and supported by churches such as yours to work together as a part of the Ethnos360 team. 

Over 80 years Ethnos360 teams (fka New Tribes Mission) from 360 sending countries have worked with four hundred ethnolinguistic people groups in 34 countries and translated the New Testament into 96 languages with 120 more in progress. 

Sending agency? We are one, but we don’t send missionaries; local churches do. (Were you able to review our purpose statement?)

  • Ethnos360 missionaries are people who have been sent by their local church to work with Ethnos360 teams of missionaries to establish thriving churches where there is no Gospel witness. 
  • Foundational Bible teaching, evangelism, discipleship, equipping, vision-casting, sending, and sustaining missionaries all occur as ministries of the local church. Ethnos360 is a vehicle to assist local churches with establishing these things in remote places where Christ is not known

How can Ethnos360 assist the work of local churches?

Teamwork. We need each other. “And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee: nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.” 1 Corinthians 12:21 

Over the past eighty years thousands of churches have sent some of their best people to work as part of the Ethnos360 missionary teams. We have seen and continue to see the fruit of their labor. We endeavor to learn from each other to best glorify God in what we do and how we do it, according to His written word. (Ephesians 4:1-7) Let’s continue in this pattern.

Discipleship (Equipping the saints for ministry.)

Vision Casting

Key components to engaging in global ministry include having people who are qualified to send and having a body that is ready to send. How do we take new believers, establish their identity in Christ, equip them to serve, help them to see the needs around them, learn to lead others to maturity, and engaging in God’s mission by faith in His word? People need to know there is a path and a purpose. Bible teaching, intentional discipleship, awareness of needs, praying, and presenting opportunities are all part of growing to engage. Here are some resources to assist you…



Opportunities for vision casting – reps, wayumi, videos, resources

What is the compelling question that demands an answer?

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(The only step you can take by faith is the next one.)-

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I would love to assist. No obligation or expectations.