Missions is about access
to the knowledge of God’s glorious goodness
in the person of Jesus Christ.
God is worthy that His glory should be proclaimed
among all peoples of the earth.
God’s ordinary method is
through people who have believed His word
sharing what they have heard
with people who have not had access.
This is a personal website of Randy Smyth
to introduce people to God’s wonderful work through Ethnos360.*
Since 1970, I have directly observed and engaged in this ministry.
Thousands of local churches from dozens of countries
have sent their missionaries through Ethnos360
to work in some of the most remote places on earth
where Christ was unknown.
I highly recommend that you engage, too.
Let me explain why.
Unwritten languages are being learned.
Bible translations are being completed.
God’s glory is being made known and praised.
Lives are being saved and transformed.
Captives are being set free.
Thriving churches are being established.
Teamwork between churches is increasing.
And we need more of this!
The Gift
There is great news for everyone.
The perfectly good Creator God
who demands perfect righteousness,
has made a way for
helplessly unrighteously imperfect people
to live with Him;
to enjoy Him and every good and perfect gift He gives…
Through His vicarious death Jesus Christ paid our penalty.
By His resurrection He has proven
His worthiness and ability
to give us eternal life.
In believing Him,
forgiven sinners are clothed
in the perfectly faultless righteousness
of God the Son.
So clothed, we can stand
in the presence of the Holy God
without condemnation.
What a gift!
Everybody ought to know.

The Giving
Understanding the
greatness and value
of the gift
is rooted in
the identity and history
of Jesus Christ.
One third of the people on earth
know nothing about Him.
One-third never heard.
Nobody told them.
No Bibles.
No churches.
No Christians.
No access to the Good News.
Among the 7388 languages in the world,
1268* languages, plus dialects (x3?),
need Scripture (Bible translation)
to communicate the message, and
teach the “all things” that Jesus commanded us.
It is the privilege and responsibility
of us who have been told
to tell those who have not heard.
Faith comes by hearing
the word of God
which is spoken
by messengers
who are sent.
We get to share the gift!
About Ethnos360
Since 1942 Ethnos360 teams
have been sent by their own local churches
to ethnolinguistic people groups
who have no access to Gospel
to establish thriving churches of Christ-followers
by teaching the “all things” that Jesus commanded us.
It’s ends of the earth stuff.
After all, Jesus commanded His followers,
on the highest authority in heaven and on earth,
to go to every ethnic group,
preaching, baptizing, and
teaching people
to observe or obey
all that He commanded.
Thriving communities of Christ-followers
must be established
to give witness of His glory
in every ethnolinguistic people group.
He is worthy of…
A Thriving Church for Every People.
Ethnos360 teams pursue:
- Least-Reached Ethnolinguistic People Groups. (UUPG) People of every language need at least one way to learn the Good News about Jesus. They are important to Him. (Revelation 5:9)
- Teamwork. The interdependent gifts God gave to the Body, individuals in local churches around the world, are necessary for His work. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27, Ephesians 4:11-13)
- Heart Language Communication.* To know God, people need to clearly understand God’s message. (1 Corinthians 14:19)
- Sustainable Literacy.* Reading God’s word is necessary for growth, obedience, maturity, and outreach. It’s His word we communicate, believe and obey. (Colossians 4:16)
- Bible Translation.* People need to understand, read and share what God has written. (2 Timothy 4:2)
- Foundational Bible Teaching.* People need to know God’s character, as revealed in His book, is the foundation of life, hope, and purpose for all people; His book is one story of revealing His glory from Eternity to Eternity. (John 17:3, Romans 15:4, 1 Corinthians 2:2, 1 Cor. 3:10-15, 2 Cor. 4:4-6, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Corinthians 11:3)
- Life-on-life Discipleship. Teaching obedience to God’s word in the way we live involves relationships. (Matthew 28:20)
- Indigenous Leadership. Equipping faithful men to teach others also is necessary for growth, maturity, and outreach. (2 Timothy 2:2)
- Thriving Churches. The goal is to establish gatherings of Christ-followers who actively glorify God in regard to God’s word, identity, life, and discipleship.* (Acts 16:5, John 15:8)
- Continuing Partnership. Indigenous churches have much to offer as part of the Body. (Ephesians 4:1-13)
- Training. Faithful believers who have preceded us in cross-cultural ministry can teach us much. (1 Thessalonians 5:12-13)
Learn about Ethnos360’s Purpose, Heritage, Training, Partnerships, and Methodology from the Ethnos360 web site.
Would you like to Subscribe to the quarterly Ethnos360 Magazine or receive prayer requests?
Some key videos that show the work of Ethnos360 teams are…
- Ee-Taow! The Mouk Story (24 minutes)
- Yembiyembi: Unto the Nations (30 minutes)
- His Gift to Gie (40 minutes)
- MAF’s Ends of the Earth Movie (98 minutes)
More information is available on the Ethnos360 website at ethnos360.org
Please feel free to contact me (Randy Smyth) for more information or to give feedback.
Email | Text
More information is available on the Ethnos360 website at ethnos360.org
Please feel free to contact me (Randy Smyth) for more information or to give feedback.
Email | Text
Or… Let me contact you…
Let’s start a dialogue.
Need advice? Encouragement? A listening ear?
A missions coach? Someone with whom to bounce ideas?
I would love to have a part in sharing info as God leads you.
Learn More:
- Ethnos360: Who or What is Ethnos360?
- Full Time: Serving as a career missionary
- EBI: Ethnos360 Bible Institute (also Online!)
- Wayumi: Intro to Cross-Cultural Church Planting Missions
- Short-Term: Interface, Encounter, Volunteer
- Internships: Field Support/Stateside
- Support: Teamwork for Thriving Churches
- Giving: ethnos360.org/give
- Sending: Ethnos360 Church Booklet
- Aviation: Millions Unreached None Unreachable
- Leaders: Church & Discipleship Resources
- Enduring Relationships: Thinking Eternal
- FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
- Representatives: Meet, Coffee, Lunch, Zoom, FaceTime
- Randy Smyth
- Testimonies
- More pdf & pubhtml5