Bible Basis

Iteri Man Reading His Bible

Basic Mission

Is God’s Word enough to move us?

Do we require of God a special display of His mighty power before we will believe Him and act on what He has already revealed?

Will we ignore the Word and wait for a special call or revelation before we begin acting upon it?

After finding that God, indeed, can be trusted, the next question that faces every person of every generation every day is this:

Will I believe Him?

Our actions usually reveal our answer.

Adam and his progeny were created by God in His own image, in His own likeness, to know Him, relate to Him, and reflect His glory. God placed Adam in a perfect environment, in a perfect world, in a perfect creation, in a perfect garden with perfect relationships. While discovering and enjoying the wonders of God’s creation, reflecting back to God the wonders of His glory, Adam was created to forever fellowship with God and with other people, reveling in the wonders of God’s glory.

What ruined all of that was this: choosing to not believe God . We have all been doing that since the time of Adam and Eve. The world was cursed. Relationships were broken. Fear, shame and hiding came into human lives. We were separated from God and each other.

The good news in that God did not leave us. He provided a way for fellowship to be restored through believing Him concerning the Redeemer. He continued to give people the opportunity to believe Him; both about redemption and about telling other people of His redemption. By believing Him we appropriate His promise of a future in complete restoration.

God’s purpose for us today remains the same as in other generations. We are to believe Him about the identity and work of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. We are to recognize His glory ourselves (1 John 5:10-13) and declare His glory to other people everywhere in the world, teaching them everything Christ commanded. (Matthew 28:18-20)


Here are some other resources to communicate the Biblical Basis of Mission.

Why Missions? –

YWAM’s – “All Nations” verse list –

GFM’s “Biblical Basis of Missions / God’s Heart for the Nations” –

Status of reaching all nations – GFM’s “State of the World” –

“What is an Ecclesiology That Drives Missions?” – Radius International –

The Biblical Basis for Missions – 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 –

Franis Chan –

David Platt –

David Platt – Liberty University Convocation –