Career Ministry in Missions: Why put your heart into it?

Why engage in a career ministry in missions?

Many years ago I was given the greatest gift of my life. I was given the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. I learned of the Holy triune God who loved me, of my own inadequacy to meet His standard of goodness, and of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for my sin and to give me His perfect righteousness. I received that gift by faith. I believed His word.

About two years later I learned of entire language groups of people living in remote parts of the world who had no one tell them about the gift of eternal life that I had received. I was not sure what I could do about that, but I knew that someone who had already heard the Good News would have to be go tell them. I was willing to go to either do the telling or help someone else to deliver the message. I could not think of anything more important.

Fifty years later my mind has not been changed. My conviction that this is the most important endeavor has only grown stronger and deeper with growth.

People are still needed to go tell the untold.

I heard about language groups of people who are unreached with the Gospel because someone came to my house and my church to tell me.

Now it is my privilege to tell other people so that they can also go or have an active part in telling unreached language groups about Jesus.

Over the years I have gained a greater understanding of the Biblical mandate, the eternal rewards, the desperate need, the opportunities to engage, the value of training, and the preparation required. It is my joy to share those things that I have learned with the next generation of people who will be stirred by God to engage with this generation of the unreached. After all, there are only two ways to learn what you don’t know: through the school of hard knocks or through people who have already been there.

Only you can lay up treasure for yourself in heaven. (Matthew 6:20Luke 12:21)