least-reached languages

Language groups of people who are the least reached with the Good News about the identity, purpose, death, burial, resurrection, and eternal plan of Jesus Christ.

Effective church-planting among UUPG

Well Done? Completing the Great Commission What is God’s means to accomplish His mission? TeachAll “Teaching … all things” Comm’s Communicating Truth Culture Meaning Behind Words Translation Whose Message? Thriving Life on Life “His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make […]

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Why Me

What are the Biblical reasons why a person should engage personally and wholeheartedly in God’s mission? Why ME Completing the Great Commission Why Be A Career Missionary?Why Mission Engagement? Five Reasons YOU Should Engage in Global Ministry Redeemed You Are Not Your Own Representative Ambassador for Christ Responsibility Serving One Master Rewards Fruit of Labor

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Bisorio Testimonies

Once a week?!?House to house?!Is this message important or not? You will teach us all together and every day! I first heard the beginning of the Bisorio story shortly after  Bob and George told their story to NTM missionaries at a “worker’s conference”. It encouraged me and I passed on the recordings to other people

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