
Missions – the work of fulfilling the Great Commission commanded by Jesus Christ of going into all of the world to tell everybody the Good News about His identity, purpose, death, burial, resurrection, and eternal plan.

Missions Intro

Missions Intro As an introduction to missions, we want to share these short videos. There are many more resources in the links at the end of this page. This page was originally designed for students as a resource.  God’s intent to draw people from every people group is a primary reason the global Church is

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What is Cross-Cultural Church Planting?

“Church Planting” means different things to different people. Defining terms becomes necessary when meanings abound. For some, church planting can mean: Construction of a new building for community meetings. Establishing “our” brand somewhere else. Passing out tracts in a new location. Organizing a group of Christians for a style of regular gathering. Gathering people in

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There are a number of ways we may be able to assist the ministry of your local church. I would love to talk with you and, as much as I am able, serve you at my own expense to help you get connected with meaningful tools, resources, and relationships.  Ethnos360 Representatives – I (Randy Smyth)

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