On the highest authority in heaven and on earth, the disciples of Jesus have been commissioned to go to every ethnic group, preaching, baptizing and teaching them to observe all that Jesus commanded.
We believe that this can be accomplished in our generation.
To accomplish this task, we need more people to engage.
The task is urgent. Not because God needs our help, but because He has prepared good works in advance for us to do, has invited us to join His work, and His greatness demands that we proclaim His glory everywhere to everyone. We have been given the keys to heaven for a dying generation of the unreached; the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ carried in our earthen vessels. (Of course, a spiritual work can only be accomplished by the Holy Spirit and the active faith of His people working while dependent upon Him. At the same time faith and works are required of us. Romans 10:13-17, John 15:1-15)
A third of the world’s languages remain without knowledge of our greatest treasure; Jesus Christ.
More Christians are needed to serve as global career missionaries to develop trust, learn an unwritten language, create an alphabet, translate the scriptures and disciple people until they are able to disciple others. More support missionaries are needed to do the physical work of many jobs that will free the Bible translators and church planters to complete their work. More supporters are needed to train laborers in the local churches to know God’s person, purpose, plan, people and processes so that each member knows God, i rooted in Christ, and able to serve others. More senders are needed to equip, support, send and sustain the workers until the work is finished.
By some estimates, there are more than 900 churches for each unreached people group. (USCWM, Mission Frontiers, 2001 & CSGC 2020*)
Gordon-Conwell’s 2020 population statistics show that Evangelical Christians alone number about 400 Million.* If there are about 2000 language groups of people who need missionaries to learn their language and clearly present the Christ-centered message to their understanding, then for each of those people groups there are more than 200,000 Christians who could do something to tell them. (400,121,000/2000=200,060.5) The total number of people who claim to be Christians is much much, more than that. If there are are more than twice that many unreached unengaged people groups, that still leaves a lot of Christian per language group who are not yet seriously engaged in what Jesus commanded on the highest authority. (Mt. 28:18)
In the USA alone there are 86 Million Evangelical Christians. That’s 34,400 people for each of these language groups of people who are unreached with the Gospel. To reach each and plant a thriving church would take ten families with one hundred financial supporters each. If one person in 34 would fully engage, we could fulfill the Great Commission in two decades.
There enough Christians now to complete the Great Commission. All we need is awareness and willing-hearted obedience from one person in 34 to complete the task. If one person in 344 will go overseas, and one person in 34 will support that person, then we could complete the Great Commission inside of 20 years.
Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord. (Zech. 4:6) Without faith (believing God) it is impossible to please Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Faith comes by hearing the word of God which is spoken by messengers who are sent. (Romans 10) And faith without works is dead. (James 2″17, 26)
Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers.
Does He take volunteers?