Ethnos360 Representatives

Who are Ethnos360 Representatives?

Ethnos360 Rep’s…

  • are people who would love to talk with you about your involvement with language groups of people who are the least reached with the Gospel.
  • are experienced missionaries.
  • have dedicated their lives to sharing God’s word even when it costs them resources, time, health, and energy.
  • have missionary stories!
  • have a heart for ethnolinguistic people groups who have no access to the Gospel.
  • believe other Christians will be greatly blessed by engaging the least-reached people groups.
  • are willing to make great efforts to bridge the gap between the Christians and people who have no way to learn about Jesus.
  • have great tools and resources available.
  • love to engage people about what God is doing. 

What do Ethnos360 Representatives do?

  • Rep’s preach the Bible about God’s person, purpose, plan, people, and processes.
  • Rep’s travel to speak where people are willing to listen.
  • Rep’s set up displays in colleges, universities, schools, churches, missions conferences, homeschool events, conventions, and any place Christians gather who might be interested in telling people who have no access to the Gospel.
  • Rep’s help future missionaries discover God’s direction, timing, and training in ministry; sometimes in discipleship and mentoring.
  • Rep’s help mentor people who are interested in missions but not yet sure of their next step.
  • Rep’s help churches plan or develop missions committees, programs or conferences.
  • Rep’s tell people about the work of Ethnos360 in establishing thriving churches where people have no access to the Gospel.
  • Rep’s assist churches Ethnos360 interaction.
  • Rep’s present opportunities for people to engage as part of the Ethnos360 team.

Why does Ethnos360 have representatives?

  • Knowing precedes going. 
  • If Christians don’t know, they can’t go.
  • If people don’t know God’s person, purpose, plan, people, and processes then they won’t effectively engage in His worldwide mission.
  • If people don’t know about ethnolinguistic people groups who still have no access to the Gospel, then they can’t go tell them about Jesus.
  • If people don’t realize the command of Jesus to teach everything, then they won’t prepare to go to establish thriving churches. 
  • If people don’t know about opportunities to engage in missionary work then they will be unable to engage in them. 
  • If people don’t know about Ethnos360 Training, Ethnos360 Bible Institute, or Wayumi, then they cannot take advantage of these opportunities. 

What do Representatives of Ethnos360 offer?

  • Assistance establishing Bible foundations for missions.
  • Teaching awareness of the needs of the world.
  • Giving testimony of what God has done and is doing.
  • Presenting opportunities to engage as part of the Ethnos360 team. 

Would you like to…

  • talk over a cup of coffee or a meal?
  • learn more about ethnolinguistic people groups who have no access to the Gospel?
  • invite a representative to speak to your church, school, or small group?
  • engage in some missions mentoring to check out your own options?
  • map out a plan or path for your engagement with Ethnos360?

Contact Randy Smyth, Ethnos360 Representative

Find Other Ethnos360 Representatives

Learn More: 

(The only step you can take by faith is the next one.)-

Talk to a Rep?

I would love to assist. No obligation or expectations.