We Care About People

This title was suggested by the designers of the initial template I used to create this web site. It may have been intended to help customers identify with a business and put a soft edge on what is communicated.

I was about to delete this page when it occured to me that this is exactly what this whole web site is about.

We care about people.

Not only are we saving lives by treating wounds, healing the ill, flying medical evacuations, helping with a better standard of living, teaching people to read, setting up clinics, flying in doctors and nurses, but we work to bring the message of eternal life.

What can be more beneficial to another person than leading them into an eternally good relationship with their Creator?

Living forever is a pretty good thing if you are in the right place! What better thing can you do for another person?

Send the Messengers

Through Jesus, the gift of eternal life is available to all people; even those living in the most remote places on earth. They are important to Jesus so they are important to us. Let’s Send 100 to tell them about Jesus! And when we’ve sent them, let’s another 100 until all people groups have been reached with the Good News.

Unreached ethnolinguistic people groups are ethnic and/or language groups of people who have no access to any portion of God’s written Word, The Holy Bible, and no access to a Christian who could tell them of Jesus in a language they understand.

These people will not hear the Gospel until Christians intentionally train, equip, support and send someone to tell them.

Help us Send 100?