Strategic Planning: Local to Global

There was a time in history when the Bible did not exist in our language, where our people had no access to the Good News about Jesus.Ā 

God’s people made an effort to ensure that we had access.Ā 

Will we share with those who have not yet heard?

Reaching each language with the Gospel will require faith and intentional effort.

Throughout history God has chosen to work throughĀ willing-heartedĀ people contributing their skills, energy, talents, and passion for His purposes.
That’s what we are searching for here.

Who will God raise up to accomplish His stated purposes?

Problem: What is so urgent?

  • Perishing. Entire language groups have not heard the Gospel. Thousands of languages.
  • Language. No Christian speaks their language. (Faith comes by hearing.)
  • Bible. No Bible exists in the language. (Faith comes by Godā€™s Word.)
  • Untold. No opportunities have been arranged for this generation to hear the Gospel.
  • Asking. People of 100 languages have asked and waited for a missionary.*
  • Time. Only our generation of Christians can reach this generation of the lost.Ā 
  • Not going. No messengers have been sent to these unreached people groups.
  • Language. EveryĀ tongue, tribe, people, and nation (ethnos) matter to God. (Revelation 5:9, Ps. 67:2, Luke 24:47)
  • Obedience.Ā Christ commanded His disciples to go intoĀ allĀ of the world. (Mark 16:15)
  • Teaching.Ā Jesus told His disciples to teach others ā€œto observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.ā€ That means time on location, specific behavior, and a clear objective.
  • Love. John 13:35, 14:15. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15. 1 Corinthians 9:19. Ephesians 5:2. 1 John (all).Ā 
  • Examples. The Example of theĀ Apostles:Ā  Except James, all died proclaiming Christ away from their home country.
    • James died in Jerusalem.Ā Peter died in Rome.Ā John died in Turkey. Andrew died in Russia. Philip went to North Africa and died in Turkey. Bartholomew may have died in India. Matthew died in Africa. Thomas went to Syria and Iraq then died in India. James the son of Alphaeus, brother of Matthew/Levi, died north of Israel. Simon the Zealot died in Persia. Matthias died north near the Caspian Sea. Paul died in Rome.
  • Why Missions?Ā (
  • EngageĀ language groups of people with whom no one has shared Christ. (Romans 15:20)
  • ClearlyĀ communicateĀ the Gospel in the heart language and culture of the audience. (Nehemiah 8:8, Psalm 119:130, Luke 24:27, Acts 8:30-31)Ā 
  • In each ethnic group,Ā preachĀ Christ and baptize. (Matthew 28:18-19)
  • TeachĀ everythingĀ so that people are able to observe or do as Christ commanded. (Matt. 28:20)
    • EstablishĀ thriving churches of Christians who are equipped to also establish thriving churches. (2 Timothy 2:2)
  • The local church is Godā€™s primary agent for reaching the world. (Individuals, under the direction of Biblical leadership, led by the Holy Spirit,Ā in fellowship and community, walking in obedience to Godā€™s word.) (1 Corinthians 12)Ā 
  • Making disciples who are able to make disciples is a Body function. (Romans 10)
  • Many local churches have sent their missionaries through Ethnos360 to work with teams to establish thriving churches among the least-reachedĀ languageĀ  groups of people.Ā 
  • Establishing local churches multiplies the team glorifying God and proclaiming Christ to the world.Ā 
  • PrayĀ for laborers to help bring in the harvest among the untold languages.
  • InformĀ Christians. There are 155,000+ ā€œBible-believingā€ Christians for each untold language group.
  • CultivateĀ local community culture toward completing the Great Commission among the untold languages.
  • Coordinate. Locate churches who will equip and send people to the least-reached languages.
  • Prepare. Locate, raise, equip, train, send, support, and sustain Christians who are willing to go work until a thriving church is established.
  • Support. For each messenger family, find one hundred families to support, send, and sustain each messenger family until the church is planted.
  • Send. Work together to see networks of maturing, thriving churches established.
  • Foundations. Equip people with Foundational Bible Teaching so that they are grounded in Godā€™s identity, purpose, plan, and provision.Ā
  • Equipping. Intentional life-on-life discipleship toward equipping people for their ministry to the least-reached peoples. Establish
  • Faith. Build faith in God through intentional commitment to His word toward accomplishing His revealed will.
  • Vision. Purposeful vision-casting for Christ-centered Body movement toward establishing thriving churches where none exist.
  • Mentoring. Equip messengers with the knowledge of experienced missionaries. Discipler’s Prep
  • Teamwork. Inter-dependence with one another toward obedience through the leading of the Holy Spirit. We are the Body of Christ. He is the head.
  • Biblical Patterns.Ā
  • Ethnos360 Representatives – Invite a Rep to reinforce the Biblical mission and give testimony of what God is doing.
  • Ethnos360 Wayumi – Organize group attendance to propagate congregational understanding of the Biblical task.
  • Ethnos360 Bible Institute – Preparing students to teach ā€œall thingsā€ where they are sent.
  • Ethnos360 Training – Send candidates for career missionary training in walk, methods, tools, and teamwork.
  • Ethnos360 Local Church Partnership ā€“ Learn how to send, support, encourage, & sustain your messengers.

Your Ethnos360 On-field Career Missionary may –

  • Learn a national language for the capacity to function and give witness in the country of service.
  • Support the ministries of other missionaries, using his or her gifts and abilities, functioning together as a team toward establishing thriving churches. (Find Your Fit)
  • Plant thriving churches –
    • Identify, engage, and learn from an unreached people group to develop relationships toward communicating scripture.
    • Acquire a high level of fluency in the heart language and culture of the people so that the abstract truths of scripture can be clearly presented.
    • Translate the scriptures.
    • Develop transferrable ā€œEternity to Eternityā€ Bible lessons.
    • Establish self-sustaining literacy programs.
    • Preach, evangelize, disciple, teach ā€œall thingsā€, equip, and wean the local church.
  • Identify and engage with local churches who desire to reach the least reached people groups with the Gospel.
  • Locate and engage individuals who desire to go tell the least reached people groups.
  • Assist people with –
    • Defining Missions.*
    • Understanding Godā€™s mission.Ā *
    • Why Missions?*
    • The People of Missions.Ā *
    • An overview of effective mission methods.Ā *
  • Establishing A Thriving Church For Every People.

Video Overview: 

Key videos:

  • Ee-Taow! – 24 minutes – Illustrates heart-language communication, cross-cultural ministry, and foundational Bible teaching. Mouk people. 
  • Yembiyembi – 30 minutes – Follows a missionary from Pre-Training to phasing out of the cross-cultural church plant with a completed New Testament Bible translation and indigenous church leadership.
  • Wayumi Expedition – 4 minutes – How Wayumi (why-you-me) events can help impart missions vision in your church.
  • More testimonies
Equipping, Engaging, Partnering, Co-Laboring

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