Mission Mobilization

Mission Mobilization – The work of mobilizing Christians to complete the work commanded by Jesus in the Great Commission to tell all people in every ethnic group of people in every part of the world the Good News of His identity, purpose, death, burial, resurrection, and eternal plan. The work of preaching, teaching, informing, inspiring, and inviting Christians to work together to tell the whole world about Jesus. In this case, to join in the work with the people of Ethnos360.

Missions Intro

Missions Intro As an introduction to missions, we want to share these short videos. There are many more resources in the links at the end of this page. This page was originally designed for students as a resource.  God’s intent to draw people from every people group is a primary reason the global Church is […]

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Effective church-planting among UUPG

Well Done? Completing the Great Commission What is God’s means to accomplish His mission? TeachAll “Teaching … all things” Comm’s Communicating Truth Culture Meaning Behind Words Translation Whose Message? Thriving Life on Life “His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make

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Missionary Books & Biographies

Do you like to hear of God’s amazing work in lives of peoples around the world? These stories will build your faith, encourage your heart, change your perspective, and invite your action.  Commandos for Christ – https://archive.org/details/commandosforchri013310mbp  Bruce Porterfield Book Ethnos360 Canopy of Darkness – https://www.amazon.com/Canopy-Darkness-Jonathan-Kopf-ebook/dp/B00HZCGT9M Jonathan Kopf Reaching the Hewa people of PNG. Ethnos360 God Planted Five Seeds

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What You Can Do 2

Help Us Send 100 Be an Exponent. Advocate for the least-reached people groups and Ethnos360. Help us engage people who are interested in missions. Missionaries don’t grow on trees! Ordinary people take on the task of reaching remote people when they are asked to act. We work to give them the information they need, inspire

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